![]() | IBM Endpoint Manager Inspectors Reference |
Win: Windows
Lin: Red Hat and SUSE Linux
Sol: SUN Solaris
HPUX: Hewlett-Packard UNIX version
Mac: Apple Macintosh
Ubu: Ubuntu/Debian
WM: Windows Mobile
The version (e.g. Lin:8.1) corresponds to the version of the IEM product (8.1) in which the inspector was introduced in the client on that platform.
The version number is not shown if it is less than 8.0.
The System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) specification defines data structures and access methods in the BIOS. These Inspectors are designed to supersede the DMI Inspectors.
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
smbios | Returns a basic smbios object, a function formerly served by the Desktop Management Interface, or DMI. This object contains searchable structures related to the computer BIOS. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
structure <string> of <smbios> | <smbios structure> Plural: structures | Returns the smbios structure corresponding to the specified string as defined in the 'Type' entries in the SMBIOS specification. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
structure of <smbios> | <smbios structure> Plural: structures | A property containing information pertaining to an instance of a given smbios structure as defined in the 'Type' entries in the SMBIOS specification. This is implemented as a named iterated property. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
structure <string> of <smbios> | Returns the smbios structure corresponding to the specified string as defined in the 'Type' entries in the SMBIOS specification. Example: exists structure "bios_information" of smbios - Returns TRUE if the structure named BIOS Information exists. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
structure of <smbios> | A property containing information pertaining to an instance of a given smbios structure as defined in the 'Type' entries in the SMBIOS specification. This is implemented as a named iterated property. Example: number of structures of smbios > 10 - Returns TRUE if the number of smbios structures exceeds ten. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
structure of <smbios value> | Returns the parent smbios structure(s) containing the specified value. Example: names of structures of values "bios_version" of structures of smbios - Returns the names of the smbios structures that contain the specified value, in this case the named value 'bios version'. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
integer <string> of <smbios structure> | <integer> Plural: integers | Returns the integer data of the named value in a specified smbios structure. Returns NSO if the data type is not integer. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
integer value <string> of <smbios structure> | <smbios value> Plural: integer values | Returns the integer value corresponding to the specified value of the smbios structure. This only exists for those values whose data type is integer. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
length of <smbios structure> | <integer> Plural: lengths | Returns the length of the smbios structure as defined in the SMBIOS specification. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
name of <smbios structure> | <string> Plural: names | Returns a string containing the name of the specified smbios structure as derived from the 'Type' entry in the SMBIOS specification. To create a valid Relevance keyword, some rules are applied to the name: Spaces are replaced with underscoresParenthesized sections are deletedLeading and trailing whitespace is removedUppercase is transformed to lowercaseKeywords beginning with a number have a 'b' prepended. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
string <string> of <smbios structure> | <string> Plural: strings | Returns the named value in the specified smbios structure. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
string value <string> of <smbios structure> | <smbios value> Plural: string values | Returns the string value corresponding to the specified value of the smbios structure. This only exists for those values whose data type is string. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
type of <smbios structure> | <integer> Plural: types | Returns the type of the smbios structure (as an integer) defined in the SMBIOS specification. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
value <string> of <smbios structure> | <smbios value> Plural: values | Returns the named value of the specified smbios structure. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
value of <smbios structure> | <smbios value> Plural: values | Returns the element of the given smbios structure that contains information specific to the particular machine. Values can have integer or string data. There can be multiple value entries with the same name, so values are implemented as iterated and named iterated properties of the smbios structure. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
integer value <string> of <smbios structure> | Returns the integer value corresponding to the specified value of the smbios structure. This only exists for those values whose data type is integer. Example: integer value "bios_characteristics" of structure "bios_information" of smbios - Returns the integer value corresponding to the 'bios characteristics' of the 'bios information' structure. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
string value <string> of <smbios structure> | Returns the string value corresponding to the specified value of the smbios structure. This only exists for those values whose data type is string. Example: string value "bios_version" of structure "bios_information" of smbios - Returns the string value corresponding to the 'bios version' of the 'bios information' structure. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
value <string> of <smbios structure> | Returns the named value of the specified smbios structure. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
value of <smbios structure> | Returns the element of the given smbios structure that contains information specific to the particular machine. Values can have integer or string data. There can be multiple value entries with the same name, so values are implemented as iterated and named iterated properties of the smbios structure. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
<smbios value> as string | <string> | Casts a smbios value as a string type. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
name of <smbios value> | <string> Plural: names | Returns the name(s) of the specified smbios values, typically as derived from a smbios structure. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
offset of <smbios value> | <integer> Plural: offsets | Returns the offset position relative to the start of the given smbios value in its smbios structure. For more information about these offsets, see the SMBIOS specification. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
structure of <smbios value> | <smbios structure> Plural: structures | Returns the parent smbios structure(s) containing the specified value. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |
type of <smbios value> | <string> Plural: types | Returns the data type of the specified smbios value. This can be one of:ByteWordDwordQwordStringBinaryStringMultipleString. | Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Ubu:8.1 |